Friday, 15 July 2011


I recently stopped eating tuna and swordfish (which I love!) due to the high toxic heavy metal mercury content contained within these species.

As long ago as 2006 the Food Standards Agency FSA advised pregnant women, or women who intended to become pregnant, infants and children under 16 years of age to avoid eating shark, swordfish and marlin and to limit the amount of tuna they ate to no more than two fresh tuna steaks or four medium-size cans per week.

Consumption of one portion per week of shark, swordfish or marlin by other adults, by which they meant men and non pregnant women, was unlikely to result in harmful effects.

Sadly in 2011 the contamination of fish has not improved and one can only summise that it has only gotten worse.

This got me thinking.... how could I safely and naturally remove toxic metal build up from my body?

A little trawling of the internet soon revealed a very interesting natural answer... malic acid.

Ever wondered why or how the old saying came about ‘eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ well it might be due in part to its high content of malic acid.

Supplementing your diet with malic acid has been shown to greatly increase the fecal and urinary excretion of aluminum and reduce the concentration of aluminum found in various organs and tissues.

This sour acid has the benefit of being an efficient metal chelator, which means it is able to securely bond with toxic metals, such as aluminum or lead, that are present in the body, limiting their abundance. Also malic acid aids in dental hygiene, by acting as an antiseptic and encouraging saliva production. For this reason, it is found in many varieties of mouthwash.

It has been found that patients with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases often demonstrate a higher concentration of aluminium in the brain. Malic acid is a powerful detoxifier of aluminium. However it was once assumed that these people had ingested large amounts of aluminum during their lifetimes. While that may be true, it is now thought that how much aluminum is consumed is not nearly as important as how well our bodies can detoxify and eliminate the substance.

Although malic acid acts as an acid in the stomach, it actually has an alkaline effect in the bloodstream. As the typical British/American diet, rich in meat, wheat and dairy tends to be acid-forming, the addition of malic acid can improve the blood pH balance thus limiting the negative effect of certain acids i.e. lactic acid and uric acid. The alkaline/acid balance is important in many aspects of health. Acidity in the bloodstream is implicated in many inflammatory conditions in the body, including arthritis.

To your health

Margaret x

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