Tuesday 26 June 2012


It’s all too easy to reach reach for that large bottle of anti -inflammatories/pain killers when menstrual cramps strike but are you aware that they come with a huge list of unpleasant and debilitating side effects.

REGULAR USE OF NSAID's (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) INCREASES ALZHEIMER’S RISK

Researchers followed 2,736 dementia-free people age 65 and older for up to 12 years, during which time 476 developed dementia.

Those who were "heavy" NSAID users (the equivalent of approximately six Advil per day) were 66% more likely to develop dementia, and 57% more likely to develop Alzheimer's Disease in particular. 

These statistics held true after the researchers controlled for other factors that might make people vulnerable to dementia -- among them education, APOE gene status and diabetes.

So rather than helping slow the onset of Alzheimer's, NSAID's may actually increase your risk of developing it!

* Medical studies have repeatedly shown that taking traditional painkilling drugs like ibuprofen and diclofenac have a 55% and 24% increased risk of heart attack respectively.

These drugs can also INCREASE your risk of peptic ulcers, diabetes and breast cancer.

* NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – commonly used as a first line arthritis treatment, result in a staggering 100,000 hospital admissions per year due to gastrointestinal problems linked to long-term use.

Even worse: approximately 15 per cent of those patients die as a result of their adverse reactions.

* Cox-2 inhibitors such as Vioxx and Cerebrex have been found to substantially increase your risk of heart attack, to such an extent that Vioxx was withdrawn from sale when it was found to DOUBLE the risk of heart attack and stroke.

* TNF-Blockers, such as Rituximab, have been shown to cause respiratory failure, as well as nausea, myalgia (muscle pain) and low blood pressure.

* SAARDs and DMARDs, like Methotrexate – an immuno- suppressant used to treat patients whose arthritis is at an advanced stage – can exacerbate side effects such as serious gastrointestinal disorders, cause liver damage and can even cause death.

It’s quite likely that you’re already taking one of these drugs without realizing it…..and without even realizing what the full side-effects and risks may be.

If you’re unsure, then check out below some of the drug names that you need to watch out for, such as:

Acetaminophen,oxycodone, tramadol, diclofenac potassium, diflunisal, etodolac, fenoprofen calcium, flurbiprofen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, meclofenamate sodium, meloxicam, nabumetone, naproxen, piroxicam, celecoxib, valdecoxib, aspirin, choline salicylate, magnesium salicylate, cortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, triamcinolone, auranofin (oral gold), azathioprine, cyclosporine, hydroxychloroquine sulphate, methotrexate, minocycline, penicillamine, sulphasalazine.

John C.S. Breitner, MD, MPH, of the VA Puget Sound Healthcare System and head of geriatric psychiatry at University of Washington School of Medicine.

If you must use a pain killer or anti inflammatory for the management of pain only use if you really have to and try to avoid any long term dependence on them, better still try to find an alternative pain relief technique that works for you.

Here are some suggestions for alternative pain relief techniques to help with menstrual cramps that don’t require the use of drugs.

Take a warm bath

Taking a warm bath can also help lessen heavy menstrual flow, and the warm water will alleviate lower abdomen pain, and relax the muscles.


Probably the last thing you want to do besides curling up in bed with a hot water bottle but regular exercise, including exercise right before and during your menstrual cycle can help lessen the severity of menstrual cramping.

Valerian Tea or Tinctures

Medicinal uses of valerian date back to 400 B.C. with the Greek physician Hippocrates. Valerian is traditionally used to improve sleep and treat insomnia. However, it may also be effective for treating menstrual cramps. Take valerian in liquid tincture, tea, capsule and tablet form.

Valerian contains valepotriates and valerenic acid, which can attach to the same brain receptor sites as Valium. This makes valerian beneficial for treating pain, anxiety and insomnia.

Therapeutic Heat

Take advantage of therapeutic heat to relax your menstrual cramps.  ThermaCare® Menstrual provide soothing heat that relaxes muscular contractions to relieve menstrual cramps. 
ThermaCare are heat patches and their ultra-thin design conforms to your lower abdomen for discreet comfort.

They can provides soothing heat for 8 hours of menstrual-cramp pain relief and are thin enough to wear under clothing and on the move.

Omega-3 and Magnesium supplements

Read this informative article ‘2 excellent remedies for menstrual cramps’ for further information on supplementing your diet with omega-3 and magnesium citrate.

Sunday 29 January 2012


I've recently been researching the fascinating subject of oxidative therapies which I will expanding upon in later postings.

But I thought I should tell you about this simple, cheap and effective treatment for the common cold and flu viruses.  I have read many testimonials as to its effectiveness and it is claimed to to be effective up to 80% of the time.  OK so it's not 100% effective but when you think there is NO medical cure for the cold and or flu viruses 80% is pretty good!

The treatment is also recommended by some of the top on line docs, Dr Mercola being one of them.  It is reputed that 14 million people visit his website each month!

The Treatment

In 1938 German researchers had great success using hydrogen peroxide in dealing with colds and flu.  It is important to begin treatment as soon as the symptoms appear and many have reported remarkable results within 12 to 14 hours of starting the treatment.

You will need to purchase 3% FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide and administer a couple of drops of the 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into each ear.  The H202 starts working  immediately killing the flu or cold.

There will be some bubbling, which is not an unpleasant feeling and is more akin to tickling in the ear.  Wait until the bubbling subsides (usually 5 to 10 minutes) then drain onto a tissue and repeat in the other ear.

The best way to keep the H202 in your ear is to tilt your head to one side or lay down for 5 to 10 minutes after administering the H202.

Food grade H202 can be purchased on line at various websites and a reputable source in the UK is Bobby's Healthy Shop

Bobby's Healthy Shop has a separate website for US customers Bobby's Healthy Shop US

How could this treatment be so effective?

Back in 1928 a Dr Richard Simmons hypothesised that colds and flu viruses entered our bodies through the ear canal.  His findings were dismissed by the general medical community however there are many who testify to the effectiveness of the use of H202 administered to the ear so there may well be some truth in his hypothesis.

I will be sharing with you more about my experiences with H202 in future postings.

To your health

Margaret x

Thursday 28 July 2011


I was particularly irked the other day to discover that my mother was taking statin drugs to reduce her cholesterol.

It wasn't so much that she was taking them, that annoyed me, but the fact that her doctor had not told her that taking statins could reduce her Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) uptake by as much as 40%

In 1994 drug companies introduced a new class of cholesterol lowering drugs known as statins.  To date statins are the most profitable drugs in history! and studies have found that these drugs not only lowered blood cholesterol levels but also produced a slightly lowered risk of heart attack.

So why all the fuss about CoQ10 - well it is an essential co factor your body uses to derive energy, without it you simply could not exist and it is a powerful anti-oxidant present in every cell of your body.  Because of its ubiquitous presence (it's everywhere) you may see it referred to as ubiquinone.

CoQ10 is especially important to your energy hungry organs such as your heart, liver, brain and kidneys.

Consider this:
  • CoQ10 deficiencies are more common in people in their forties and beyond
  • Long duration endurance exercisers tend to have lower levels of CoQ10
  • Deficiencies in CoQ10 are very common in patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and low HDL levels of cholesterol
  • CoQ10 levels are often low in those people who avoid eating meat and extremely low in vegans
If you fit into any of the above categories then you may want to consider supplementing your diet with CoQ10 as it may have a dramatic effect on your energy levels and cardiovascular health.

If you exercise moderately and eat a well balanced diet yet feel you need some additional help in maintaining healthy blood pressure then you'll be interested to know that supplementing with CoQ10 has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure in several human clinical trials. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, was conducted in 2001 by researchers at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Boise, Idaho, who succinctly concluded that ". . . CoQ10 may be safely offered to hypertensive patients as an alternative treatment option."

CoQ10 can either be made in the body or obtained from food.  The best sources of CoQ10 are animal foods which contain fat! and as heart patients are often advised to reduce their fat intake in an effort to reduce cholesterol levels; no CoQ10 being made in the body and a reduced CoQ10 intake from food equals a recipe for disaster!

As studies have found (of which there are many) CoQ10 actually protects and strengthens the heart, I therefore find it ironic that the world's most profitable drug should actively suppress it.

It's a mad world!

To your health

Margaret x

P.S. if you suffer with joint problems and arthritic complaints read this article:  The Hidden (and painful) Cost of Statins

Friday 15 July 2011


I recently stopped eating tuna and swordfish (which I love!) due to the high toxic heavy metal mercury content contained within these species.

As long ago as 2006 the Food Standards Agency FSA advised pregnant women, or women who intended to become pregnant, infants and children under 16 years of age to avoid eating shark, swordfish and marlin and to limit the amount of tuna they ate to no more than two fresh tuna steaks or four medium-size cans per week.

Consumption of one portion per week of shark, swordfish or marlin by other adults, by which they meant men and non pregnant women, was unlikely to result in harmful effects.

Sadly in 2011 the contamination of fish has not improved and one can only summise that it has only gotten worse.

This got me thinking.... how could I safely and naturally remove toxic metal build up from my body?

A little trawling of the internet soon revealed a very interesting natural answer... malic acid.

Ever wondered why or how the old saying came about ‘eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ well it might be due in part to its high content of malic acid.

Supplementing your diet with malic acid has been shown to greatly increase the fecal and urinary excretion of aluminum and reduce the concentration of aluminum found in various organs and tissues.

This sour acid has the benefit of being an efficient metal chelator, which means it is able to securely bond with toxic metals, such as aluminum or lead, that are present in the body, limiting their abundance. Also malic acid aids in dental hygiene, by acting as an antiseptic and encouraging saliva production. For this reason, it is found in many varieties of mouthwash.

It has been found that patients with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases often demonstrate a higher concentration of aluminium in the brain. Malic acid is a powerful detoxifier of aluminium. However it was once assumed that these people had ingested large amounts of aluminum during their lifetimes. While that may be true, it is now thought that how much aluminum is consumed is not nearly as important as how well our bodies can detoxify and eliminate the substance.

Although malic acid acts as an acid in the stomach, it actually has an alkaline effect in the bloodstream. As the typical British/American diet, rich in meat, wheat and dairy tends to be acid-forming, the addition of malic acid can improve the blood pH balance thus limiting the negative effect of certain acids i.e. lactic acid and uric acid. The alkaline/acid balance is important in many aspects of health. Acidity in the bloodstream is implicated in many inflammatory conditions in the body, including arthritis.

To your health

Margaret x

Thursday 7 July 2011


How to lose weight fast? build muscle mass! Anaerobic exercise or strength training only increases our muscular strength and adds much lean shapely muscles to our bodies and the only thing this type of muscular gain will cause is a much more attractive body and increased confidence levels!

Don’t worry you wont end up looking like Arnie Swhatshisname as the only way to achieve this ‘look’ is to take anabolic steroids and growth hormones! Yuk!

If you aim to exercise/work your most powerful muscles, namely your shoulders, thighs, calves, buttocks at a max ouput for a short space of time you will increase the density of mitochondrial power plants within your muscle cells. These plants are like mini furnaces that help the body to burn fat for energy.

Did you know that for every pound or approx 2kg of muscle we lose we are burning 40 less calories a day or better still for every pound of muscle we gain we need to expend 40-50 calories a day just to keep that muscle alive!

When I was in my teens and early twenties I had good muscle mass, I was fit active and strong yet very lean (muscle takes up less space than fat!) and whatever I ate had no effect on my weight. It was only until my thirties that I started to lose muscle mass that I started to gain weight!

If you want to follow a simple strength training program, which I do twice a week, without the use of expensive gym equipment or membership which can be carried out in the comfort of your own home then download the following *free* High Intensity Strength Training’ guide.

Either click on the download button bellow or scroll up to the Free Guide menu at the top of the page and have a browse through some of the other free guides on offer.

To your health

Margaret x

Tuesday 5 July 2011


Calling all gym junkies! read and weep!

If you lead a busy life, finding the time to exercise can be difficult or if you’re like me and you simply don’t like exercising then you’ll love this recent research into fitness that suggests that exercising just a few minutes each week can be just as beneficial as jogging round the park for an hour or so.

More gain for less pain! Sounds too good to be true? ....read on!

Professor Julian Baker from the University of the West of Scotland is at the forefront of this startling new research into fitness. His fitness regime involves short bursts with high intensity activity. For example you can run or step (anything that involves high intensity exercise) flat out for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. You then repeat this cycle 4 times over. Professor Baker’s research has found that pushing muscles to their absolute limit can improve your fitness. But what’s incredible about this fitness regime is that it lasts for only 4 minutes with 2 of them spent resting! Or put another way with only 2 minutes spent exercising!

Professor Baker recommends that you would need to do the exercises about 3 times a week and your initial fitness level will depend on how quickly you improve your overall fitness.

Current UK government guidelines recommend that we exercise 30 minutes to an hour a day of moderate exercise 5 times a week!

The data compiled by the University of the West of Scotland suggests that this type of training improves above and beyond the benefits gained from exercising for 30 – 60 minutes.

So how can a man or woman who is effectively only exercising for 2 minutes get the same or better fitness benefits as someone who exercises for longer.

One line of reasoning is that if you do short burst exercising you’re working 250% harder in terms of the intensity of the exercise than say a jogger. The exercise for the jogger is much more gentles on the muscles where as the short burst exercises is pushing your muscles to the max, which has the maximum benefit on your fitness.

Scientists are still trying to find out why this type of exercise should work but they do know that exercising to the absolute limit is more effective in reducing blood pressure and widening blood vessels and strengthening muscles.

Depending on your initial level of fitness over a 5 week fitness period of exercising in short burst high intensity could result in a significant loss of body fat and loss of weight but could up your overall level of fitness by as much as 50%.

If you haven’t exercised in a while don’t start running, stepping or any high intensity exercising straight off. You will need to build up from a gentle pace and see your doctor before you start any exercise regime if you have any concerns.

I think everyone no matter how busy and hectic a life they lead can find 12 minutes a week to exercise!

To your health

Margaret x

Sunday 3 July 2011


During world war II white bread was banned in the UK. As a result the nation was said to be healthier in 1947. Bread was made legal again after the end of the war and in 1961 the Chorleywood baking process was introduced.

By juggling chemicals, flour types and adding three times as much yeast as had previously been used and then mixing at high speed the scientists at Chorleywood Food Research Institute had developed a bread that was 40% softer than other breads and lasted twice as long! My mum always refers to white supermarket bread as ‘plastic bread’.

A staggering 80% of all bread made in the UK today is still made the Chorleywood way.

Today despite the modern trend for healthier eating, nutrient empty white bread accounts for more than 50% of all bread sales.

The increase in yeast content to our bread may have given rise to modern bread related digestive illnesses but more worryingly are the enzymes that are used in the bread making process and further more they don’t have to be declared on the ingredients list because they are only ‘processing aids’.

One of the most common enzymes is amylase which is known to cause asthma.  Did you know that asthma is a common disease among bakers! Other enzymes used have been linked to illnesses of the gut such as coeliac disease.

Take a look at these typical bread ingredients used to make our modern day loaf!

• White wheat flour, 80-90% of useful vitamins removed
• Excessive salt
• Sugar
• Hydrogenated and fractionated fats
• Soya flour ‘improver’ increasing volume and softness
• Flour treatment agents (oxidant chemicals make bread fluffier)
• Reducing agent (makes stretchier doughs for burger buns and baguettes)
• Emulsifiers (chemicals increase softness of bread, giving the illusion of freshness)
• Preservatives such as the mould killer calcium propionate, which may cause eczema and behavioural problems in Children
• Enzymes, usually from fungus or bacteria. Do not have to be declared on labels. Widely suspected to be linked to the allergies such as asthma and to the gut diseases

Oh and if you replace the white flour with brown you have brown bread! So don’t think some brown loaves are any healthier!

I’ve long given up on supermarket breads preferring to make my own. ‘But I don’t have time to make bread’ I hear you cry! but wait! I can now make a healthier loaf of bread that is quicker to make than it would take you to walk to your local shop and buy a one… further more it only has 4 natural ingredients!

Download my bread recipe today by clicking on the download button or scroll up to the free guides menu at the top of the page.

To your health!

Margaret x